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St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy, George Ave, Birkby, Huddersfield, HD2 2BJ

01484 300800

St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy

"Empowering and inspiring all children to become life-long learners"

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy Curriculum Statement

Our school Mission Statement states that we want the children at St Patrick’s to become innovative, life-long learners. Our curriculum is key to realising this vision. Through the topics we have chosen, children will leave St Patrick’s well prepared for the next phase of their education.

They will know and understand the key components required to become a successful global citizen in today’s ever changing society. Importantly, they will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to use their God given talents for the benefit of themselves and for others - qualities needed to make a successful contribution to their own future, their families and friends and in preparation for the communities which they will be part of in a modern world.


When developing the intent of our curriculum, we took into account the following factors:

● Our local environment;

● The expertise of our staff;

● The values and traditions of our school;

● The needs of our school community;

The aim of the curriculum at St Patrick’s Catholic Primary Academy is to provide the children with a bespoke curriculum that suits their needs and teaches then to become model, global citizens.

By the end of their time at St Patrick’s the children will:

● Be resilient, flexible and strong but understand that failure is part of a successful learning process; that even the greatest leaders, inventors etc. have failed many times before finding a solution;

● Have aspirations and hope for their future life and career, understanding that through the efforts they put in, they can experience many successes - to know that everyone has a huge amount of potential and that there is a direct link between effort and success.

● Know the impact of service on their local community and be aware that a successful community needs all members to generously contribute to its success.

● Share in the mission of the Common Good – practising charity, acceptance, understanding through dialogue and discussion with one another.

● Be aware of the impact human actions have had on the natural environment in the past, how our actions are affecting the environment today and what changes we can in the future bring to protect and value our planet.

● Become aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the need to manage and take care of themselves mindfully and through their relationships.

● Know the stories of great leaders, what joy they have brought, and to develop these skills to become courageous leaders of their own families and communities

● Know that all individuals are unique, made in the image of God and that Jesus is the model teacher

● Know that our community respects and values diversity and believes that we are a stronger society because of our differences

● Have a thirst for knowledge and become life-long learners


Long Term Planning has been created in all subject areas to ensure a broad and balanced coverage of all curriculum areas throughout the year. This explains clearly what we want the children to know and provides an expectation of how this should be taught.  Teachers use Quality First Teaching and knowledge of their class to adapt this teaching to meet the needs of all learners and to identify and correct gaps in knowledge or understanding.

As a Catholic Christian school we examine our spirit of charity and look at those strong leaders who exercised love, hope, generosity and peace to one another. In the curriculum the themes are also contributing to the foundation subjects including the Arts, Sciences and sport; sequenced in a way to allow children to develop their knowledge, skills and crucially, develop an understanding about their role as a global citizen in the world in which we live.


The impact of the curriculum will be evaluated by school leaders by monitoring the progress of all children over time, within all pupil groups. In so doing, subject leaders will ensure that:

● Teaching matches or exceeds the breadth of the national curriculum;

● There is necessary time allocated for the meaningful coverage of their subject area;

● That the teaching in the subject area is closely matched to the skills and knowledge which all pupils, need to succeed in life;

● That opportunities are taken, when presented, to promote reading and writing during lessons;

● Pupils can articulate, at an appropriate level, learning that has taken place;

● Pupils progress is monitored in an appropriate way with timely feedback provided;

● There are opportunities for learning in their subject area to be enriched beyond formal classroom teaching.

● Connection and evidence of the characteristics of the curriculum from the children

The true impact of our curriculum on our pupils may not be seen in its entirety during the time they spend at St Patrick’s. This curriculum is underpinned by regular opportunities for high quality personal and spiritual development in which pupils will grow in faith and come to know and live out the Christian Virtues.

Making our curriculum accessible to all

We are proud to be a diverse school community and our curriculum is Inclusive and sets high expectations of all children.  More information can be found in our policies on SEND and Equal Opportunities, as well as from Government legislation including the Equality Act (2010) and the Special Educational Needs and Disability regulations 2014.